The Dow Jones broke 14,000 on Friday for the first time sense October 2007. The low of the Dow Jones sense 2007 was March 2009. So it has been slowly going up sense then. At this time of year in 2010 it was at about 10,000, in 2011 it was at about 12,000, and at this time last year it was at about 12,800. A big question with the 14,000 mark for the Dow Jones is will we have a downfall like we had in 2007. Will we enter a time of Americans losing jobs, the real estate market losing its value, the automotive industry getting attacked, and so on. I personally do not believe this will all occur any time in the next 10-15 years. We currently don't have any strong signs of an upcoming economic downfall in the soon future like we did in 2007. To me an important sign of a positive economic future is that the housing/real estate market is getting stronger and stronger every month, unlike in 2007 where every house was losing it's value. Also jobs are being created and there are no hints of a stop in rise for that . So to me I believe we are looking at a positive future for our economy in the next 5-6 years... or maybe even longer. Although I do know more than the average teen about business, don't use me as your financial adviser because I don't have 10 to 20 years of experience.
You've pointed to a few very important aspects of the market. Keep your eye on Housing stocks like Zillow (Z) and Trulia (TRLA).